Catholic Family Faith FormationWhat is Family Faith Formation? Wanting to honor the parents' role as the first educator of their children's faith, the Cathedral Faith...
Catechesis Formation ProgramThe handing on of faith - to catechize - is the responsibility of all of us baptized Christians. There are those within our community who...
The Rite of Christian Initiation ProgramR.C.I.A. is designed for individuals who, after hearing the Mystery of Christ proclaimed, consciously and freely seek the Living God...
Religious Education for Spanish Speaking AdultsSeeking to expand opportunities for adults to include Bible studies, small group discussions of faith, exploration of spirituality, and...
Spanish Parents Group Leaders of the Blessed SacramentWe meet once a week to prepare for classes for parents of children in family faith formation. We design our curriculum under the...
Liturgy of the Word for ChildrenLiturgy of the Word is currently suspended and we are rethinking the best ways we can be sharing the Word of God with the Cathedral...
Catechesis of the Good ShepherdA distinct Montessori-based approach to Christian formation, through which children as young as three form deep, lifelong relationships...