Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament
Stewards of God’s Gifts
Tel: 916-583-8306
Facebook: @sacchinesecatholic
A Glimpse of Spirituality 靈修一瞥141 (Matt 瑪15:21-28)
The Canaanite woman achieved a miracle because of the courage of her conviction. It proves that God does not just love those who are like us. God’s mercy extends to those who are different from us, to those whom we might even consider to be our enemy. Certainly, the Jews considered Canaanites an enemy. That is why the disciples tried to shoo her away. Faith, however, can astonish us and miracles can happen.
God’s vision is so much greater than ours. Those who may seem to be outside the church are not necessarily outside the love of God. God’s love knows no boundary and God ever extends God’s hand to those who seek to be God’s children. The reply of Jesus to this woman seems very rude: “It is not fair to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs.” “Dogs” (kynariois) in Jewish culture are portrayed negatively. For instance in Deut 23:18, the Jews equated dogs and prostitution: “You shall not bring the hire of a harlot, or the wages of a dog, into the house of the Lord your God…” This insulting term was said by Jesus with purpose. The hidden purpose is to announce the faith of this pagan woman.
The woman replied to Jesus with strong faith, “Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table.” Finally, Jesus answered, “O woman, great is your faith! Be it done for you as you desire.”
Are we willing to extend to others the same kind of mercy that God extends to us? Can we accept those who are different? Are we willing to love those we have been taught to despise? Today, we gather around this table for communion. People of every race, from every region gather together in communion, bound by our love of the Lord and our hunger for the Eucharist. Pray that we may be as merciful to one another as God is to us.
天主的視野總比人要寬大得多,教會以外的人不一定被排斥在天主大愛之外。天主的愛無邊無際,祂向所有想成為天主兒女的人伸出援手。耶穌對這婦人的回答看似非常粗魯:“拿兒女的餅扔給小狗,是不對的。”猶太文化中的“狗”(kynariois) 被描繪成負面形象;比方,在申23:19中,猶太人將狗和賣淫等同起來:“你不可將賣淫的酬金和賣狗的代價,帶到上主你天主的殿內。。。”耶穌說這侮辱的話是有目的,背後目的是為了宣布這外邦女人的信德。
Stay in the know of what's going on around the Cathedral each week with our Sacramento Chinese Catholic Community Flocknote! A great way to prepare for Sunday Mass too!
Come join our Flock!
Sacramento Chinese Catholic community was formed with the purpose of establishing a base for Chinese speaking people to come to know God and to worship him. Language barrier and ethnic difference have been keeping a lot of people from the house of God. They couldn't fully participate in the church and didn't have a sense of belonging. Now with our own Chinese speaking priest, the Sacramento Chinese Catholic Community is becoming more and more lively.
We sincerely invite you: if you were a Catholic and were not able to participate in mass or sacraments due to language barrier, this is your home; if you were a Catholic with no language barrier, are you willing to help God build up His church locally for the Chinese speaking people? If you were not a Catholic yet, you will find God here by feeling the love among our members.
Even if you were not one of those above, we still want to invite you to visit us and then you can properly introduce us to your friends who may need a group like this.
Check us out by coming to our Chinese mass at 2:00pm on a Sunday, or just call one of the contact persons. See you soon!
On the first Sunday of every month, before the Chinese Mass at 2:00 pm.
Please contact Father Chui or John Wong in advance.
Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament
c/o Sacramento Chinese Catholic Community
1017 11th Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 583-8306
Priest: Fr. Abraham Chiu
(510) 588-0481
President: John Wong