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Catechesis Formation Program

The handing on of faith - to catechize - is the responsibility of all of us baptized Christians. There are those within our community who are called to help hand on the faith in more formal ways as Catechists. Some serve in bringing children and their families to faith in our Family Faith Formation. Others serve those inquiring in initial stages of belief in the RCIA. Still others serve to lead adults to deeper faith through Bible Studies, courses on Spirituality and prayer groups. The Cathedral Catechist formation provides opportunities for catechists to grow in their spiritual life and their vocation as one who hand on the faith to others.

To become a Catechist, download and complete the Catechist Application and mail it to:

Sr. Lisa Marie Doty, FDCC

Cathedral of the Blessed Sacramento

1017 11th Street

Sacramento, CA 95814

Requirements of Catechists:​

  • Obtain Diocesan Certification within 3 years of beginning your service.

  • Catechists are required to complete the Catechist Formation Program and receive Diocesan certification. For individuals who already have responded to a call to ministry as a catechist, the Diocese of Sacramento is requiring that they become Diocesan-certified within 3 years. Basic certification includes doctrinal development through a prescribed number of study hours in spirituality and theology as well as a basic presentation of the social sciences (consistent with the National Directory for Catechesis, 55).

  • Update child-safety training every 3 years.

  • Maintain a fruitful prayer life.

The Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, in collaboration with Diocese sponsors a series of workshops throughout the pastoral year to support candidates’ development in catechetical formation and to prepare them for Diocesan certification. These workshops are designed to prepare the candidate spiritually and theologically to witness and share their faith with the children and adults to whom they minister.

New in 2021, Catechists will have the opportunity to take some of their training/updating online with Franciscan University.

To begin the application process, download the Catechist Application and mail it to the cathedral office.

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